Angels, Doubt, and the Supremacy of Jesus | Hebrews 1:1-14
Shane Patrick | October 4, 2015

Discussion Questions

  1. How has your view of angels changed as a result of our study in today’s Hebrews passage? Why do our beliefs concerning angels matter?
  2. What do your thoughts, actions, and choices say about whether you doubt that Jesus is truly better and that God’s ways are always better?
  3. How does an understanding of Heb. 1:14, that angels minister to and serve God’s people change your view of angels and your view of God?
  4. What are the attributes used to describe Jesus in Heb. 1:1-14? Would a look at your choices, calendar, and checkbook reflect an appropriate devotion to the God so described in our passage? Why or why not?
  5. What most convicted you from our study of Heb. 1:1–14 today, and what is God asking you do about it?

For Further Reading & Study

  1. Check out the “Questions about Angels & Demons” page on