The Ordinary Gifts | Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-11
Aaron Gray | August 27, 2017

Discussion Questions

  1. As you look through this list of “ordinary” gifts, which one(s) do you see in yourself? What if we asked those closest to you?

  2. When we use these gifts, how are we actually demonstrating the gospel and imaging Jesus? What does this look like practically?

  3. Take time in your groups to encourage one another with the gifts that you see in them.

  4. For those areas where you are not particularly gifted, how can you still live out aspects of them in your Christian walk?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would help us to identify those ways that we are gifted.

  2. Pray that God would help each of us to actively put our gifts to use in his service.

Action Step