The Day of Christ’s Return | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Discussion Questions

  1. What has your experience been with the subject of the end times: fear, ignorance, confusion, or something else?

  2. Why is the return of Jesus an important part of the overall gospel message? Why do you think that we sometimes forget to include it?

  3. How does the gospel free us from fear of death? How does this freedom affect how we live our daily lives? How does it affect the way we relate to non-Christians?

  4. What practical steps can we take to help one another grow in endurance as we follow Jesus?

Prayer Points

1. Pray for Jesus to return soon.

2. Pray for urgency in all our hearts for sharing the good news of Jesus.

3. Pray for faithfulness, endurance, patience, and peace in the hearts of Christians everywhere as we face hardships, opposition, and challenges to our faith.

For Further Study

1. The Rapture Question essay on TGC by Alan S. Bandy

2. Is the Rapture Taught in the Bible? blog post by Erik Reed

3. What is the Rapture? short podcast from John Piper

A Quiet Life of Love | 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

Discussion Questions

1. What types of “work” have you really enjoyed in your life? How is that work a reflection of God’s good design for work?

2. How can we live in the tension of “not being dependent on others” while also cultivating a culture where we “bear one another’s burdens”? What happens if we go to one ditch or the other?

3. How does the earthly life and ministry of Jesus serve as the perfect example for our hard work? How is Jesus working for us still today as our high priest?

4. What does it mean that Jesus is working through us? How does this truth help avoid the trap of working to “earn” God’s love or acceptance?

Prayer Points

1. Pray that God would help us as individuals to have inspiration for our work as worship.

2. Pray that we would truly love the church family through our quiet, hard work.

3. Pray for God to make himself known to outsiders through our quiet, hard work.

Honoring God in Our Sexuality | I Thessalonians 4:1-8

Discussion Questions

Note: please exercise wisdom and discretion in this week’s conversations. You may consider separate conversations with men and women this week. For those who have experienced significant pain due to sexual sin, consider meeting with one of the pastors or a trusted biblical counselor as part of your healing journey.

1. Why do many people view the Bible (or God) as anti-sex or anti-pleasure? What is a more biblical perspective on sex? What passages help us understand God’s design for sex?

2. As appropriate, share with your group ways that your life has been harmed by sexuality not lived out God’s way. And even more, share how the gospel has brought grace and love and healing into your life.

3. What is holiness and why is it so important to remember that we have been set apart? How does a gospel holiness affect every aspect of our lives? How is holiness different from both legalism and license?

4. We can’t expect those who don’t know God to live like those who do. Rather than casting judgment or being frustrated, what are some more profitable ways to interact with people and a culture that is steeped in ungodly sexuality?

Prayer Points

1. Pray that God would bring deep forgiveness into our lives where we have failed and sinned with our sexuality.

2. Pray that God would bring full cleansing into our lives where others have sinned against us sexually.

3. Pray that we would honor God with self-control, but also by enjoying God’s good gift of sexuality in a way that honors him.

4. Pray that we would not be angry or frustrated at a culture who doesn’t know God and does not honor him. Rather, pray for opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus.

How Can I Pray For You? | 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Discussion Questions

  1. Why might you be tempted to think of prayer as a drudgery? And while duty/discipline is a good thing, why is that not enough when it comes to the idea of prayer.

  2. Why is it important to remember that without the work of Jesus, we have no right to talk to God? How is the gospel the foundation of our prayers?

  3. How can you encourage yourself and others in your life to delight in God through prayer?

  4. In your group, share with others what practical tools or methods have been helpful for you in your prayer life? Commit to trying something new in your prayers over the next week.

Prayer Points

  1. Thank God for the access and invitation that we have been granted through Jesus.

  2. Pray for the body of Christ to be built up, “blameless in holiness.”

  3. Pray for non-Christians in your life to come to know the Lord Jesus.

  4. Pray for Jesus to return soon, and pray that we would persevere in faithfulness until that day.

Friendship in Community | 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:8

1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:8

Main Point: Friendship is one of the greatest gifts we receive from God.

Different definitions and expectations of a friend.

  • ●  Buddy

  • ●  Bud

  • ●  Bro

  • ●  Amigo

  • ●  Childhood friend

  • ●  Best friend

  • ●  Fraternity Brother

  • ●  Sorority Sister

  • ●  Friend at work

  • ●  Gym Friend

  • ●  Band Mates

    Christian Friendship is:

1. Truthful about Troubles - 2:17-18 & 3:3b-4

17 But as for us, brothers and sisters, after we were forced to leave you for a short time (in person, not in heart), we greatly desired and made every effort to return and see you face to face. 18 So we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us.

3b For you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. 4 In fact, when we were with you, we told you in advance that we were going to experience affliction, and as you know, it happened.

  • ●  Paul and Crew sharing about the suffering and brokenness of their circumstances

    • ○  They speak of being “forced” or other translations “torn away” or


    • ○  The strong language describes the challenges of life when you follow the Lord.

    • ○  Paul peppers this truth of Christian suffering all throughout his letter to the


      • It’s like a parent saying something like, hey friends remember we talked

        about this, hey this is it, do you remember, hey don’t forget!

      • This is a stark reminder for them and for us that a life of following Jesus is

        a life of Joy and suffering as pastor Steve preached a few weeks ago.

      • Paul’s writing these truths not to discourage but to encourage, remember

        in chapter 1 v.4-6, our suffering is a reason we know we are chosen by God as his children!

  • ●  Paul and Crew continue on speaking about the reality of Spiritual Warfare 2:18

○ As Christians, we believe that we live in two worlds, one that is physical and one that is spiritual.

  • ○  Therefore when we read verse 18, Paul is making a case that as much as he desired to be with the Christians in Thessalonica, there is spiritual warfare going on preventing this from happening.

  • ○  Paul talks about spiritual warfare taking place in a number of other areas in scripture as he writes to the different churches. This includes examples of:

    • Reality of existence, Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.

    • Scheming and taking advantage, 2 Cor. 2:11

    • Tempting, 1 Thess. 3:5

    • And even Paul’s own throne in his side, 2 Cor. 12:7

    • All of this isn’t something Paul says to scare us, but rather an exhortation

      to remember that the enemy has been defeated but until the end, they will continue to oppose the message of the gospel, so we’re called to be aware and be prepared to fight by putting on the armor of God as we live our daily lives.

      Christian Friendship is:

2. Fueled by the Future 2:19-20

19 For who is our hope or joy or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? 20 Indeed you are our glory and joy!

  • ●  Paul and Crew in verses 19-20 takes the readers from looking at the present to the future of Jesus' second coming in these verses.

  • ●  Friends not only help you in the present, but help you fix your gaze on eternity.

    • ○  In this future outlook Paul says something strange, that his hope, glory and joy is and will be the Thessalonian Christians? What does this mean? Aren’t we to point each other to Christ and not to ourselves? Doesn’t Paul say in Galatians 6:14 “but as for me, I will never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    • ○  Not a contradiction or competition between Jesus and the Thessalonians.

1. Paul and Crew have great hope in the Thessalonian church that they will remain steadfast through all the suffering and will make it till the end and that their ministry bore lasting fruit. Colossian 1:27 “God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

2. For Paul and Crew, the work of God in the church provided them their joy not only in the present but also in the future to come. 1 Thess. 3:9 “How can we thank God for you in return for all the joy we experience before our God because of you,” Paul also writes similarly to the Philippian church Phillipians 4:1 “So then, my dearly loved and longed for

brothers and sisters, my joy and crown,

in this manner stand firm in the

Lord, dear friends.”

■ 3. Paul and Crew are looking towards the future excited, boasting to God

about these amazing Christians that they love who have been tested and tried! Phil.2:16 “by holding firm to the word of life. Then I can boast in the day of Christ that I didn’t run or labor for nothing.”

Lastly, Christian Friendship:
3. Concerned and Caring 3:1-3a, 5-8

1 Therefore, when we could no longer stand it, we thought it was better to be left alone in Athens. 2 And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you concerning your faith, 3 so that no one will be shaken by these afflictions.

5 For this reason, when I could no longer stand it, I also sent him to find out about your faith, fearing that the tempter had tempted you and that our labor might be for nothing.
6 But now Timothy has come to us from you and brought us good news about your faith and love. He reported that you always have good memories of us and that you long to see us, as we also long to see you. 7 Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and affliction, we were encouraged about you through your faith. 8 For now we live, if you stand firm in the Lord.


There’s a cost to serving a friend: 3:1 Therefore, when we could no longer stand it, we thought it was better to be left alone in Athens.
Friendship within the body of Christ happens in community: 3:2 And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ,

Genuine care and concern: Possibly wandering or 3:5
Strengthen and Encourage: 3:2-3a, 6-8 both the one who is being served and one who serves.

  • ●  For non-Christians, receive the gift of friendship with God through the finished work of Jesus. Repent of your sins and be reconciled to the father.

  • ●  For Christians, live in the friendship of God. Spend time with him through spiritual disciplines and enjoy God.

  • ●  Be in community, join a community group, seek to meet and know the christians around you and look for ways to serve sacrificially.

○ “Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At the end all his disciples deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick

of foes. There is his commission, his work. 'The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not suffer this does not want to be of the Kingdom of Christ; he wants to be among friends, to sit among roses and lilies, not with the bad people but the devout people. O you blasphemers and betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing who would ever have been spared' (Luther).” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian in Community

● Repent of the unbiblical or extra biblical expectations you place on your friends and be grounded in how God describes friendship.

○ “The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian in Community

● Regularly build in a rhythm of praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

No Human Message | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Discussion Questions

  1. What is a time that you listened to a human message that you later regretted because it wasn’t true or it led you in a negative direction?

  2. Why is it important that God communicates with us, his people?

  3. How can we know who to trust when someone says they speak from God? What was a time that you had to do this?

  4. Retell the gospel message in your own words.

  5. How are the different parts of the Good News interconnected? Which aspect of this message first resonated with your heart as you were coming to faith?

  6. What are some reasons that you need to continually hear the gospel from yourself or others? How does this impact the believer’s life of faith?

  7. Describe how focusing on the gospel enhances your relationship with God?

  8. What are some ways that God might be leading you to join him in sharing this message?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would open your heart to the depth and power of his gospel message and that he would lead you to a continual faithful response to that message.

  2. Pray for those who have not yet heard the message of Jesus or have heard but not believed.

  3. Pray that God would work in their lives to bring them to know and embrace the saving message of Jesus.

  4. Pray for us as individuals and collectively as a church that we would passionately join with God in his mission to take this message of the Savior to all the world and make disciples among all nations. Pray for the boldness, courage, and conviction to be part of this mission.

Pleasing God, Not Humans | I Thessalonians 2:1-12

Discussion Questions

  1. Why are humans in general so prone to people-pleasing? In what specific ways does this show up in your life?

  2. What Bible verses have been personally meaningful to you to help you know that you are loved/accepted/justified/approved of by God because of the work of Christ?

  3. How is worldly “self-esteem” talk different from (and lesser than) biblical teaching of God’s approval and acceptance of us?

  4. How do spiritual disciplines like meditation, memorization, and community help us more deeply internalize truth? How can we help one another move past mere intellectual assent into deeper, heart-level experience of God’s acceptance of us in Christ?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that each person in your group, community, family would more deeply know the approval and acceptance of God through Jesus.

  2. Pray that our deep approval from God would result in bold proclamation of the gospel, just like we see in the lives of Paul, Silas, and Timothy.

Imitation of Christ | 1 Thessalonians 1:5b-10

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is someone that you look up to as an imitator of Christ? A mentor.

  2. How do they exemplify Christ to you?

  3. Have you ever been in a discipleship relationship with someone, either formal or informal?

  4. Who is someone that you could mentor in their Christian walk?

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that God will grow you in your faith.

  2. Pray that God will empower you to follow Him.

  3. Pray that God will use you to help someone else grow in their faith.

Reasons to be Thankful | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5a

Discussion Questions:

1. Where are you tempted to fall into ingratitude, entitlement, and a lack of thankfulness? What things might be too important in your heart (i.e. idols)?

2. Why is the good news of the gospel the only real foundation for true gratitude? Why are other foundations lacking?

3. Of the three heart-level qualities (faith, hope, love), which one is the Lord leading you to focus on in this current season?

4. Of the three practical actions (godly works, labors of service, endurance), which one is the Lord leading you to focus on in this current season?

Prayer Points

1. Take time to praise and thank God for his many blessings, both in creation and redemption. Thank him and praise him for as many different things as you can think of.

2. Pray that God would increase our “work produced by faith, labor motivated by love, and endurance inspired by hope in Jesus.” Ask God for endurance, for growth in godly character, and opportunities to serve those in need.

A Gospel-Birthed Church | Acts 17:1-9

Discussion Questions:

  1. Even though we are separated by historical distance, what things can we relate with the church in Thessalonica about? What things are significantly different?

  2. Can you think of other examples of things that a church can rally around that might be good things, but fall short of a gospel foundation? Why is it critically important for a church to make the gospel its deepest foundation?

  3. What does being gospel-centered look like in your life individually? What about your family or closest relationships?

  4. When you invite someone to consider Jesus, how can you make sure that you’re sharing THE gospel, not just telling them about something the church does?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that the gospel would be our deepest foundation as individuals, families, small groups, and a church.

  2. Pray that God would use us to share the good news in such a way that it would turn the north sound “upside down,” like Thessalonica.

The One Where Some Young Women are Smart, and Others are Dumb | Matthew 25:1-13

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non-Christians in your life?

The One About Bugging Your Neighbor in the Middle of the Night | Luke 11:5-13

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non-Christians in your life?

The One Where Nobody Shows Up | Luke 14:15-24

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non Christians in your life?

The One About a Farmer Planting Seeds | Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non Christians in your life?

The One With a Dead Fig Tree | Luke 13:6-9

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non Christians in your life?

The One Where a Guy is Not Very Forgiving | Matthew 18:23-35

Discussion questions

  1. What specific need or issue is being addressed by Jesus in this parable?

  2. What truth does the parable reveal to a believer? What truth does the parable hide from an unbeliever?

  3. How does this parable help you imagine life in the Kingdom of God?

  4. What action steps do you need to take in light of this parable?

  5. How does this parable move you toward prayer: for yourself, your family, our church, and for non Christians in your life?