What Happened at This Year's Student Summer Camp?

Last weekend, Sound City Students hosted our first ever summer camp. As I reflect on all that God did over those four days , I am overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness and grace. It will be difficult to put into words all that took place, but I want to attempt to give you a glimpse of the amazing things God did in the lives of these students and leaders.

Fun doesn’t even begin to explain all that took place. A few things we did were: off-roading, swimming, canoeing, playing in the lake, campfires, climbing a 50’ tower, tons of group games, a sweet dance party, and so much more.

But camp was more than just fun activities. The Lord used the gospel-centered teachings, worship times, devotions, and small groups in a powerful way. Continued feedback from the students was the realization that Jesus died for their sins.

  • “I was really encouraged to hear the guys talk about how they were affected by realizing God truly cares for them and personally took our place and died for our sins.” — Male Leader
  • “The joy in her face as we talked about Jesus during small group time was priceless.” — Female Leader

There were several students that came who heard the gospel for the very first time and said yes to following Jesus. There were 8 students who admitted they were in sin and needed Jesus as Lord and Savior.

  • “I made the decision to give my life to Christ.” — Female Student
  • “I can’t explain in words the changes happening in my heart.” — Female Student
  • “Never have I thought that I would learn as much in a lifetime about Christ as I did in just a few short days. I had a life changing and amazing time at camp.” — Female Student


Not only did the students leave encouraged, but all the leaders did as well. One leader said, “I was blown away by God’s protection over us, his Spirit leading us, and watching the students hearts transform right before my eyes.” Another said, “My faith and trust in the Lord has grown and I am blown away by Christ using me as an instrument in the students lives.” And “camp was an incredible experience. I came away feeling a sense of encouragement that I have not felt in quite some time.”

I want to give a huge “thank you” to everyone who helped sponsor those students who otherwise would not have been able to afford camp. Thank you to everyone who helped make camp happen. Thank you to the amazing leaders who did a fantastic job at leading these students and showing them the gospel with their lives. Most importantly thank you Jesus, for allowing us to be a part of your story and your transformative, powerful work!