Mission & Evangelism

HEED Uganda Update

HEED Uganda Update

We love to give praise to God for the work he does and is doing in our local community as well as around the globe. As a church we support various organizations and ministries who are doing amazing gospel work in the name of Jesus Christ. One of those ministries is HEED Uganda, an international mission organization that was started by one of Sound City’s Covenant Members.

Missions Opportunity | Armenia

Missions Opportunity | Armenia

This past fall Sound City Bible Church donated money to the Armenia Mission, one of the international mission organizations we support as a church. The money was used to fund a pastors conference in Armenia. Sam and Shoushan Saliban, covenant members of Sound City, oversee this multi church ministry in Armenia, that is focused on making disciples, planting churches, caring for widows and orphans, and so much more.

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Celebrating | Summer Outreach 2020

Celebrating | Summer Outreach 2020

Today, we are thanking God for the work he is doing through the people of Sound City in local outreach. As we try to find a new normal in this season, it is encouraging to remember that Jesus is Lord, that he is good, and that he calls us to serve the hurting world around us in his name.

12 Neighbors | RightNow Media

12 Neighbors | RightNow Media

Did you know that if you call Sound City Bible Church home, you’re able to get access to RightNow Media for free? In short, think of Netflix, but an online Christian video library full of Bible studies, devotional videos for kids and families, students, singles, married couples, parents, and everyone in between. As a church, we see the value of offering everyone at Sound City access to this powerful discipleship resource. Recently I’ve been encouraged and challenged as I’ve been going through a new outreach series called 12 Neighbors.

An Opportunity to be a Good Neighbor

An Opportunity to be a Good Neighbor

I absolutely love how after a fresh dusting of snow everything turns white. One of my favorite things about being in the snow is when you step outside and listen, everything is so peaceful and quiet. But, in the midst of the peace I also have thoughts in the back of my head like, “there are people living out in these freezing temps” or “I hope my elderly neighbors are doing okay”.