Mercy Ministries

Celebrating | Summer Outreach 2020

Celebrating | Summer Outreach 2020

Today, we are thanking God for the work he is doing through the people of Sound City in local outreach. As we try to find a new normal in this season, it is encouraging to remember that Jesus is Lord, that he is good, and that he calls us to serve the hurting world around us in his name.

Celebrating | Encouraging Report from Lynnwood DCYF

Celebrating | Encouraging Report from Lynnwood DCYF

We welcomed Kris and James from the local DCYF office on March 17th. They shared with us the impact of Sound City’s generosity as we continue to seek to support, encourage, and care for the foster children, families, and DCYF staff in our community.

Two Opportunities for Generosity

Two Opportunities for Generosity

Generosity around the Christmas holiday is not merely a good idea or a time-honored tradition, it is a way to embody the very heart of the gospel. As such, we want to put before you, the people of Sound City, two specific avenues for you to practice generosity.

Disaster Preparation and the Gospel

Disaster Preparation and the Gospel

John, a member of Sound City, recently came forward and offered some insights with me on how we as a church can best love and serve people in times of disaster. The conversation was very helpful for me, so I thought it was a good opportunity to share it with our larger church community. Here’s the interview!

An Opportunity to Help Texas

An Opportunity to Help Texas

If you've been watching the devastation in Texas but haven't known how to help or get involved, you're likely not alone. With so many different relief organizations, non-profits, and government organizations involved, it can be hard to know where to begin. In the video below, Pastor Aaron outlines one specific way that we as a church family can help.

God's Generous Grace

God's Generous Grace

In June of 2015, Sound City celebrated our first group of Covenant Members with a banquet dinner. We ate good food, laughed together, and celebrated the amazing grace that God had shown to us. That dinner launched us into a season of planning for the upcoming fiscal year (July 2015-June 2016). We didn’t know exactly what God was going to do, but what we did know is that we could trust his faithfulness to his people.

Serving the Vision House

Serving the Vision House

Sound City Bible Church is partnering this Christmas season with Vision House to provide gift cards for families in need as part of their “Home for the Holidays” initiative. For 25 years, the Vision House has worked hard to provide safe and confidential transitional housing and services for homeless children and their families.