2017 Student Summer Camp Recap

Last week, Sound City Students partnered with Cross and Crown Student ministry and headed off to summer camp. We enjoyed God's beautiful creation at Cascades Camp in Yelm, WA. It was difficult to do anything without recognizing that God was in our midst. I hope to help give you a glimpse of all that the Lord did in the hearts and lives of the students and leaders this year at camp.

This year's theme for camp was truth and grace. Through several gospel-centered teachings, times of worship, devotions, and small groups, God was made much of. The Lord was working in many different ways: reigniting students faith, 3 students meeting and trusting Jesus, and an overwhelming sense of encouragement. I am personally beyond thankful for the way the Lord used the leadership team to love the students and show Christ to them.

Camp was also full of a ton of fun activities. We played team-building games, roasted marshmallows around the campfire, swam at the lake, went canoeing, and much more. Some of the favorite activities were the dance party, the Kamikaze water slide, and zip-lining.

Each year at camp, we have several students who would not be able to participate if not for the many generous donors who sponsor students. Thank you to all of you who made camp possible this year! Thank you to everyone who prayed for camp this year. Thank you to all of our incredible leaders who led with transparency, love, generosity, and the example of what devotion to Christ looks like. And thank you Jesus for changing lives and using this time at camp to strengthen these young people and grow your Kingdom.