An Opportunity to Help Texas

If you've been watching the devastation in Texas but haven't known how to help or get involved, you're likely not alone. With so many different relief organizations, non-profits, and government organizations involved, it can be hard to know where to begin. In the video below, Pastor Aaron outlines one specific way that we as a church family can help. The opportunity comes to us through our partnership with the Sojourn Network.

One Houston-area pastor said that natural disasters like this can be an "extinction event" for small churches and non-profits. We as a church want to make sure that Sojourn Beaumont is cared for well, so we are going to give from our budgeted funds directly to their operating budget. Thank you, Sound City, for your ongoing generosity and faithful giving so that we can do things like this! Additionally, we are encouraging our members to give individually to the "relief fund" that Sojourn Beaumont has set up. Here are the steps:

To give online:

  1. Go to (this link will direct you to Sojourn Beaumont's giving page)
  2. Under section one, click on "add a memo" and type "relief fund"
  3. Fill out all the information on the page, including gift amount and method
  4. Click "Confirm your gift"

Beaumont is not getting mail right now, but if you would prefer to send a check, just write "relief fund" in the memo, and mail it to:

Sojourn Community Church of Beaumont
701 Calder Ave
Beaumont, TX, 77701