2018 Student Ministry Winter Retreat Recap

I am so thankful for the men and women whom God has called to lead the Student Ministry here at Sound City. It is a joy to serve alongside them and to watch how God uses them to help the students to know, love, and live for Jesus. In an effort to share with you, the church body, some of the many ways in which Jesus is growing his church, please read below to hear from Chris Vaughn, one of our student leaders and a faithful servant of Christ, as he shares a little bit of what took place at the Student Ministry Winter Retreat!

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Recently, Sound City Students had the opportunity to participate in our first ever Winter Retreat! On the weekend of March 2nd - 4th, 24 Students and 8 leaders headed to Silver Ridge Ranch in Easton, WA. In the weeks leading up to the trip, we’d prayed for snow and for the Spirit to move in our lives as we learned more about how to study Scripture - those prayers were answered abundantly!

With about 8 inches of snow on the ground, we were at no loss for “powder” related activities, including snow forts, sledding, snowshoeing and even snowmobiling! In addition to the snow fun, we also had several teaching sessions in which we talked about topics related to studying Scripture, including what the Bible is and how we got each of the books which make it up, as well as how the Bible can help us to see through the lies which culture tells us about ourselves. Above all, we learned about God’s love for us and how studying his Word can help us to see and appreciate more of God himself!

We’re really encouraged by the Spirit-filled moments which occurred, and although there were a few challenges as well, we’re thanking God for how he moved and pray that he continues to work in the lives of these students!

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We’re thankful, too, for the generous food donations which parents made. These gifts made up the majority of the food used in our meals throughout the weekend and your kindness and support went a long way toward ensuring this trip was a success!
