Celebrating | Evidences of God's Grace, Through Biblical Community


This week we’re celebrating the evidence of God’s grace shown through the love, care, kindness, and provision of the church for one church member in need. The story of Casi—which we celebrated during morning services last Sunday—gives us a glimpse into life with a body of believers desiring to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus, receive grace, be disciples, and make disciples. Here's what Casi had to say:

“Being a part of Sound City has brought us all closer to knowing the love, sacrifice, grace, hope, peace, and forgiveness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sound City is our home and God’s Grace has been shown brightly by our church family, by our Community Group, and by the Deacons & Elders of the Church. Our family has been greatly helped: financially, spiritually, and relationally.”

“The most memorable moment for us in community was when Selene got to attend Summer camp on a scholarship thanks to a community member who donated!”

“When I went to the hospital I had many visitors from the church come and check on me and it truly warmed my heart as I could sense God’s work in everyone. The ladies of my Community Group came to the hospital for a few visits and also had a group meeting while I was in the hospital! This brought so much encouragement and joy to my soul! My Community Group is such a blessing, I truly don’t know where I would be without them on a weekly basis. We’re constantly raising each other up, and praying for each other. Without them, I’m not sure where I would be in my faith or how dedicated I would be in my study of the Bible, or even how much I would love coming to church.“

“Jesus has shown me that even though my disability causes a lot of struggles and road blocks, there are still no obstacles you can’t over come as long as you remember to have faith in God and to be in regular community with others in the church!”

After one of the services last Sunday, in response to Casi's story, one couple stopped to talk to Casi and shared with her that they’d been praying to find someone they could bless with a powered wheelchair they had in their possession. Later that evening, they delivered that chair to Casi's house and were able to spend time together in thanksgiving and prayer for this God-orchastrated moment. Our God is so good!

Sound City, as much as we love sharing the Casi's story, our hope is not to give ourselves a pat on the back, or to encourage altruistic acts just for the sake of being good. Rather, our far greater desire is to reflect the light of Christ as we live in the fullness of a Spirit-filled community. Join us in prayer this week for all those who need healing, for those hurting and broken, and to see God glorified by our word and deed lived out through biblical community.