Celebrating | Sound City Night of Prayer

October 18th, a multi-generational group of about fifty gathered at the church offices for Sound City’s Fall 2019 Night of Prayer. The evening service included a time of sharing praises, prayer, and worship through singing. Today we are celebrating this time of unity and rest, and let’s give thanks to our God who delights to be known.

There is no such thing as a Christian who doesn’t pray. As adopted sons and daughters of God, speaking to our heavenly Father is what we do (Romans 8:14-17). The Christian life is not simply a set of principles to be believed, or a series of practices to observe, but it is primarily a relationship to be enjoyed (Jeremiah 31:33). As Christians, our deepest joy and greatest pleasure is found in close relationship with God (Psalm 16:11). As the Westminster Catechism puts it: “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.”

Brittany Hackett, a deacon serving in the Prayer and Younger Student ministries, said, “For our last prayer movement, we did something a little different. Instead of having prayer points up, we challenged everyone to be still and listen for the Lord to speak with us what He would have us to pray. In doing that, I believe the Lord brought up topics we would otherwise not have taken time for, or even thought of on our own. It was a night of sweet encouragement to my soul, and I know that I am not the only one. I continue to get texts from folks who attended, sharing that the night was an encouragement to them as well.”

Continuing to Pray

If you missed the Night of Prayer, please still join us in prayer this fall. The gathering walked through three movements of prayer that you may find helpful:

  1. Outward facing: For others, for our church leaders, for our city, the nation, and the world.

  2. Inward facing: Repentance, for relationships, family, and our needs.

  3. As the Lord leads: Be still, listen expectantly, and sit in God’s presence.

Prayer at Sound City

Every Sunday, the prayer team waits outside the auditorium, ready to pray with you. Whether you are struggling or celebrating, it’s our joy to pray together.