Celebrating | Child Dedications May 2019

Let’s thank God for the child dedications on May 12th. This Mother’s Day, fourteen children were dedicated to the Lord. Through child dedications, we celebrate new births and young children by inviting parents to bring their little ones up on stage to introduce them to the church family. More importantly, it’s is an opportunity for parents to publicly pledge to raise their children in a God-honoring way (Proverbs 22:6), for the church family to pledge to support them in the work of raising children (Galatians 6:2), and for parents and church family alike to pray together toward that end.

When the families were called to come forward, it looked like half the congregation took to the stage! There were some brand new parents with their first babies, families dedicating their fifth baby, and families dedicating older children.

Many family dynamics were represented. There were hardships and also evidences of God’s grace. It was a sweet time as the parents introduced their families and read the scripture they had chosen, or let one of their children read. Scripture from throughout the Bible was shared from Old Testament to New.

As we promised as a church body to care for these children and support their parents in raising them in the ways of the Lord, we prayed and celebrated together. Let’s continuing praying for them and serving them as the Lord leads. In fact, on May 12th we also had near record attendance in Kid’s Ministry!

If you currently serve in Kid’s Ministry or have in the past, thank you! The work that you do is often challenging, but it is so honoring to God and one of the key ways that we can support parents in raising their children to love Jesus as their Savior. Your humility, teaching, and care can have a life long impact for the children in Kid's Ministry.

If you are a community group leader, thank you! Your hours of ministry are far longer than the few that the group meets each week. Your service and prayer, often behind the scenes is the twin pillar in Sound City’s front line efforts to care for these families.

And for all who serve and pray, thank you. God is glorified in your efforts and children of all ages are being reached with the gospel. Let’s continue in this work and be faithful to love one another and rejoice in the love of Christ. Let's be praying today that we would get to see all of these children come to know his love and that we would see the name of Jesus glorified among us.