Celebrating | 4th of July Celebration & BBQ

The 2019 4th of July Celebration and BBQ was a huge success. About 150 folks from Sound City were joined by around 500 people from the community in Edmonds City Park. When the main Independence Day parade ended, we were ready with hot dogs, otter pops, face painting, balloon animals, and prayer – all for free. We serve a generous God, and this was one way that we could share that generosity with others, pointing them to the love of Jesus.

Pastor Kyle shared that, “Many people in the community asked who we were and why we were doing this, which led to great conversations about our church and our faith. Sound City made an impact in the community to hundreds of people. People’s reactions ranged from shock at the love and generosity shown, to surprise that Christians were doing something outside of ourselves. Even children were having a difficult time wrapping their minds around the fact that everything was free.”

We are so thankful for the way that the people of Sound City rallied to use their gifts, give their time and resources, and to talk and pray with people in our community. It’s amazing to see what an impact that one act of generosity can have in sharing God’s heart for people. He has been so good to us.

Let’s be praying this week for each of our local communities, that they would know the love of Jesus. And let’s pray that God would give us the courage and care for others to join him in that work of spreading the good news.