Celebrating | Students Fall Relaunch

With the school year in full swing, Sound City Students relaunched for the fall on Wednesday, September 18th. We asked Sound City’s Student Ministry Director Chris Vaughn to tell us a bit about the evening and how to get involved.


Chris, how did the relaunch go?

It was great! 37 students and 10 leaders gathered for the relaunch, and a few of the students were invited by friends. This was one of the best-attended events in our ministry’s history. Everyone got to hang out, eat pizza, play a group ice breaker game, and then talk about what we’re looking forward to this year.

That sounds like a lot of fun. I heard there were some welcome gifts?

Yes, the students loved their “welcome back” gifts this year: journals, bags, and sunglasses with the Sound City Student’s logo. They were also excited about the new Students logo and color scheme – many said they’d want to purchase a hoodie with the logo, if it was available.

What was encouraging?

It was encouraging to see friendships picking up right where they left off after camp, students bringing friends, and to see how inclusive everyone was. We have new leaders serving this year as well as many new students who moved up from Sound City’s Younger Students class, and it was cool to see everyone jump right in and be included in conversations.

Thanks Chris! For students and parents of students, how can they get involved this year?

Students who are in grades 6-12 are invited to join us each Wednesday night throughout the school year as we gather from 6:45-8:30 p.m. at the church offices. There are a variety of ways for parents to get connected including our Parent Resources page and social media. Ready to dive in?

Let’s thank God for this exciting time of new beginnings in the life of Sound City’s students and let’s pray now that they would be blessed with a fruitful and joy-filled year surrounded by the love and care of their community in Christ.