12 Neighbors | RightNow Media

Did you know that if you call Sound City Bible Church home, you’re able to get access to RightNow Media for free? If you’re not familiar with this great resource make sure to check it out on our website under Resources. In short, think of Netflix, but an online Christian video library full of Bible studies, devotional videos for kids and families, students, singles, married couples, parents, and everyone in between. As a church, we see the value of offering everyone at Sound City access to this powerful discipleship resource. 

Recently I’ve been uplifted and challenged as I’ve been going through a new outreach series called 12 Neighbors. I encourage you to check it out. You can go through it together as a family or even with some of your biblical community. The series attempts to help answer the question “what does it really mean to love your neighbor?” The series is full of powerful testimonies of how people have responded to Jesus' call to make disciples: taking action for the Kingdom, seeing lives transformed, and making an impact in their community. This specific series gives practical ideas to think differently, take action, and really love your neighbor.

There are so many other great biblical resources on topics like: finances, discipleship, leadership, mission, and so much more. We hope you’ll take advantage of this free resource and that it will be a tool to help you grow in Christ in deeper ways. 

If you would like to gain access to RightNow Media, click below to request access! We pray this resource continues to be a blessing and encouragement for us as a Church family.