Regathering Plan | Part 1

Church Family,

The time is drawing near when we will be able to regather as a church. There are still unknowns due to the constantly changing guidelines and the practical new standards we will need to adhere to, but overall our area is beginning to relax restrictions. Churches, praise God, are at the forefront of doing so with special permission. As we enter into the regathering process, the leadership of Sound City wants to focus on three convictions and three realities:

Three Convictions

Regathering, not reopening

We believe God has been and will continue to work during the COVID-19 pandemic to build his Church. Even during quarantine, the kingdom is not closed. Regathering, not reopening, is an important distinction to make because Jesus says that he will build his church and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. (Matt. 16:8) We have been worshiping Jesus as the church scattered, and soon, we will worship Jesus as the church gathered.

Acting, not reacting

We want to be wise about how and when we regather in person. To do so prematurely may mean that we start meeting in person, are forced to cease due to an increase in cases, and then attempt to regather at a later date. For this reason, we will intentionally trail slightly behind the proposed opportunities to meet. Additionally, three out of our eight Sound City staff are either immunocompromised or live with someone who is, which means the potential dangers of COVID-19 hit very close to home. We desire to act methodically in the midst of the firestorm of news, and make the best decision for our church family and community.


The last conviction we are focusing on, is unity. This is a time of fighting and division. Believers, however, are called to behave differently than the world. Scripture calls us to love one another because love does no wrong to a neighbor (Rom. 3:10) and look not to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Phil 2:4) Even though varying preferences and convictions will exist among us during these times, we want to hold fast to being unified in our love for Jesus and our neighbors.

Three Realities


The larger a church gets, the more complex it becomes. Because we are a mid to large size church, we have a number of complex factors that require us to regather slowly. From building occupancy to face masks, and at risk individuals in Kids ministry, there is much to consider. If we are going to regather safely, we need to think and pray through various issues, and that will take some time.


We need to be flexible in our plans to regather because the information we are relying on is in flux. Our plans will undoubtedly change as we and other organizations pivot around information and standards given to us from the local government. We are deeply grateful for the flexibility everyone has given to adjust to online services and remote meetings. Soon, we will need to be flexible again, as we meet in person.

Online services

We will become a church that offers online or streaming services to keep members connected to the body. This is a reality for churches across the world and it is true for us, as well. Even after the majority of us begin to meet again in person, there will be brothers and sisters that will not be able to join us or feel it is best to continue to wait. We will continue to offer online services and will be investing in better equipment to make this technological shift more permanent.

May God give us grace to hold to these convictions faithfully and navigate these realities graciously, as we enter the summer and beyond.