Worship Gatherings Update for April 25 and May 2

Church Family,

Last week we sent out notice that there have been a few isolated cases of COVID within our church family. The good news is that everyone in our church family who has had COVID has recovered or is recovering. In addition, none of the exposures related to the key leader mentioned last week resulted in more positive cases, so thank you for your prayers and extra efforts this past Sunday.

As cases have begun to rise in our region, we have been informed of a few additional cases among church members this week. In any case that an individual church member was believed to have potentially exposed another church member outside of their household, notification and communication took place right away. (Exposure is defined as more than 15 minutes of contact, less than 6 feet apart.) Measures to quarantine, test, and monitor have been recommended where necessary.

While we are still in safe margins to be able to gather this Sunday for services, because of the number of people affected at this time the elders believe that it is wisest to go to online services only for the next two Sundays (April 25th & May 2nd). These two weeks online will allow everyone to monitor their health before regathering, ensuring that we are not contributing to the spread of COVID among our Sound City family. We will come back together in person on May 9th.

Tomorrow's service will be run by a small crew of staff and volunteers to provide one live 9am service that will be posted to Youtube and our website as normal. We love you all and will miss gathering together in person. Please let us know if you have any needs we can help you carry and how we can pray for you.

May God comfort, strengthen, and encourage us all,

The elders of Sound City