Jesus Gives Hope | Colossians 1:24-29

Discussion Questions

  1. How has this passage changed the way you think about hope?

  2. Where do you see God at work in our church or your community group? How does this hope strengthen those relationships?

  3. What are some lower case “h” hopes God has brought to your attention? Are there any that have become capital “H” hopes for you?

  4. What actions should hope in Jesus create according to the passage?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that this Advent season as a church we would have our hope centered on Jesus above all things and we would have the courage to remind each other to hope in him.

  2. Pray we would use this holiday season with family and friends to prayerfully and winsomely be able to provide a response for the hope that we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15).