Celebrating | Students Halloween

This year’s Halloween party was the largest Wednesday night event in the history of Sound City Students. 43 students and 11 leaders had a fun evening of karaoke, photo booths, and tons of food. Most importantly, the students got to hear from 1 John. Halloween can be a celebration of fear, whether it’s spookiness or the deep fears of life that we all face. 1 John teaches us that when we trust in Jesus for salvation, he is able to set us free from fear.

Chris Vaughn said, “I want to say a special thank you to all the parents who supported this event. This event is traditionally our largest of the year, with lots of students inviting their friends. With that in mind, we always want it to be a great time, but also want to use the opportunity to present the gospel. We had so much food, and the students came dressed in amazing costumes with many, many friends. None of that would have been possible without the strong support of the amazing parents of Sound City Students.”

Join us in praising God for the opportunity to share the beauty of the gospel and for the faithful service of the volunteers, parents, and students.