Supporting our Local Schools

Our local schools provide a wide range of services to students and families in our community. One of the most important, is providing nutritious meals. In Snohomish County, more than one in three students qualify for free or reduced lunch, 37%. Without the services provided by the school, they face hunger and a lack of quality nutrition.

Sound City contacted the leadership of Lynnwood High School to see how we can help while the schools are shut down by COVID-19. They suggested:

  • Non-perishable foods: Canned items and foods shelf stable for 6 months.

  • Gift cards: Fred Meyer, Target, and Walmart gift cards will enable families to purchase food, diapers, and medical supplies.

For families experiencing food insecurity or newly struggling as they juggle childcare and jobs put on hold by the virus, this food and money will be blessing.

Now, the stores may be running low on beans and rice. In our day of take-out and delivery, many simply don’t have a pantry. This has contributed to panic buying, empty shelves, and for those without the means, hunger. Would you consider sharing what you have on hand? And if you go shopping, will you purchase something to give?

The food and gift cards can be dropped off at Pastor Doug and Linda Freyberg’s home. There will be a collection bin on the front porch. For their address, please email Pastor Kyle.


We have been abundantly blessed in Jesus. Whether in plenty or in hunger, in sickness or in health, may we experience the peace of Christ as we serve others in his name.