Celebrating | 2020 Mexico Mission Trip

This year’s mission trip to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico was such a joy to be a part of. God was clearly working among the team members and growing and stretching individuals. One consistent thing the Lord continued to show us on the trip was it’s not just about accomplishing a task or doing a specific job, it’s about the relationships built along the way. The team grew closer together through this experience and more importantly team members grew in their relationship with Jesus.

One really cool thing that happened was when we went out into a neighboring community to do outreach and connected with a local pastor and his wife. We provided breakfast for the community and were able to pray for and encourage the pastor’s family. The mission was very encouraged by this connection as it was the first time going into that area to love and serve in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for praying for our team. Let’s thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel around the block and around the world.