Carrying Out Jesus' Mission | John 20:19-23
Aaron Gray | April 28, 2019

Audio Block
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Discussion Questions

  1. What part of the text or sermon had the greatest impact on you? Did you learn anything new about John? The Bible? God?

  2. How has fear been a motivator for you? In legitimate ways and/or in ways that have kept you from walking in courage? 

  3. Where do you seek perceived protection and security? What keep us from engaging with the world around us with the message and mission of the Gospel?

  4. How does Jesus greet the disciples hidden in the locked room? Why is this significant? How does showing his wounds given them comfort?

  5. Why is the Holy Spirit necessary for advancing the mission of the Gospel? What is the alternative to a Holy Spirit empowered mission?

  6. Read Ezekiel 37. What do we learn about the comprehensive nature of life in the Holy Spirit being breathed into us?

  7. Who is the person that first shared the Gospel with you? Who someone you can pray the Holy Spirit empower you to share the Gospel with?