Jesus and Expectations | John 11:1-27
Aaron Gray | September 16, 2018

In the beginning portion of John 11, Jesus' actions don't line up with the expectations of his disciples and friends. This is often true for us today as we follow Jesus. But, if we'll learn to trust him, we'll find that what he has in store for us is so much better than our expectations.

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Discussion Questions

  1. Share a time in your life where Jesus showed up in a powerful way and exceeded your expectations.

  2. Where are you currently putting expectations on Jesus that may not actually line up with God’s best for you? How can we help one another to think in light of God’s eternal plans for us?

  3. What does it mean that Lazarus’ illness was “for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it”? How does that help you think about your hardships?

  4. When you think about the non-Christians in your life, what expectations might they have about Jesus that are keeping them away from him? How can you help share truth with them in a loving way?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that you would grow in your ability to trust in Jesus, and that your expectations would line up with the true promises of Jesus.

  2. Pray for those who are far away from Jesus, particularly those who may have walked away because of unmet expectations.