Surprised by Jesus | John 21:1-14
Aaron Gray | May 12, 2019

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Discussion Questions

  1. Why did John write a chapter 21, especially after such well-written conclusion in John 20? What stands out to you from this story?

  2. Do you want to be surprised by God? Why or why not? If there is resistance, where might you need to seek God’s transformation in your heart?

  3. Where are you experiencing poverty, those places of weakness and need? Where is God wanting to show you the abundance of his provision?

  4. Are there areas of your life that are compartmentalized? Where does Jesus want you to see his involvement in all areas of your life?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would show up in surprising ways in your life.

  2. Pray for people in your life who would never—according to our natural understanding and perspective—accept Jesus.