Sin and Death | John 8:21-30
Aaron Gray | April 22, 2018

Jesus warns his hearers that unless they believe in him, they will die in their sins. By saying this, Jesus shows us the seriousness of sin. Despite the objections of some in our culture, the church must talk seriously about sin and the grace of God that is found in the Messiah.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to talk about the seriousness of sin? Why do some people shy away from the topic? What causes you personally to shy away?
  2. How is the gospel of Jesus our only hope in the battle against sin? How does the death and resurrection give us hope in this lifetime battle?
  3. What specific sins do you need to confess and repent of? Who has God placed in your life that can be an ally for you (and you for them)?
  4. How is God specifically asking you to put your sin to death? Where do you need to practice the spiritual disciplines, or persevere, or seek deeper joy in Jesus?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would help us to be a church that takes sin seriously. Pray that we would experience grace in our lives and share it with others.
  2. Pray for opportunities to share with non-believers the hope of Jesus, even as you share with them the seriousness of human sin.

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