Church Merger Celebration July 19, 2020

Merger Celebration Service

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Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it so important to look back on the ways that God has already shown grace—both corporately to his people, but also to you as an individual? What happens if we fail to look back and remember?

  2. How can we help one another cultivate gratitude here in the present? How can we learn to live in the present, with more awareness of God and others?

  3. What are you excited about in the future? What gifts has God given to you as an individual that he wants to use for his kingdom? How can our church be a part of God’s kingdom coming in the north sound region?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would help us to truly come together as one unified church body in the weeks and months ahead.

  • Pray that Jesus would use this merger to expand his kingdom in the north Puget Sound region, and that many people would come to know him through our words and actions.

Kid’s Ministry Resources